005 AnecdoteIf you an Influencer, you need to remember, brands are not your friends. If you get cancelled for stating your extreme opinions, brands are…Sep 15, 2024Sep 15, 2024
At team lunches, I saw people get out-casted, isolated because of Group Polarization during a…Aug 27, 20241Aug 27, 20241
004 AnecdoteI am data analyst, who loves do to business with people through the organizations. Let me give an example, at the end of day what do a…Aug 27, 2024Aug 27, 2024
003 AnecdoteThe only way to make a habit is to say NO multiple times to your limbic system (old brain). Whenever you want to open social media, your…Aug 20, 2024Aug 20, 2024
002 Anecdotewhile I am swimming, I felt that every one pursue skills differently in their own unique way. I learnt different types of techniques in…Aug 17, 2024Aug 17, 2024
001 AnecdoteSales is all about showing how much you love your product to customer. Unless you are excited about your own product, the others will not…Aug 17, 2024Aug 17, 2024
Road Map to become a python🐍🐍🐍👩🏻💻👨🏻💻 developer in 20201. Git Hub repository or Git Lab or Bit Bucket:Aug 7, 2020Aug 7, 2020
A technique to focus on tasks and time!“Either you have a good day or a bad day or feel happy😊, sad 😖, bored👧, neutral 😐, lazy 🥱, esthetic 😍, energetic 😀, irrespective of…Aug 3, 2020Aug 3, 2020