004 Anecdote
I am data analyst, who loves do to business with people through the organizations. Let me give an example, at the end of day what do a business needs? It should perform growth in sales, products, reputation, numbers and profits should be high. This is ideal case for a successful business.
Now as a data analyst/business women, I look up and investigate organizations complete data. I make a list of monthly, quarterly, yearly reports on Medicare insurance profits, inward patients filling per day, providers operational availability, how many patients can be accepted per location for single day/ month, per location and report it to business analyst.
I create and handover financial statement reports and dashboards with graphs, histograms, to financial team where they can see NPV(Net present Value), Rate of Investment, inventory loss, profit, Return of Equity, cash flow, accounting income, net income. This helps financial management decisions.
There were times where I closely work with developers team to evaluate and run data scripts for any releases associated with online website.
This is how I do business with people through the organization. While dealing with day to day work, I follow VIPP (VIP square) rule. V stands for Visibility. For instance, I will stand out and email everyone and make sure to inform everyone who are all in the project what I am contributing every day. I do my work transparently so that group members and subordinates know whom to reach when there is an issue to solve in data.
I stands for immediate, when you order food from door dash, you expect it immediately right. I respond immediately with with all data I have. I will make sure to update the progress of the project I am doing.
p stands for proactive, I believe yawing and mood are very contagious. If I am energetic and enthusiastic, me and my team subordinates performs well. This results in less burnouts and less turnover rates, more profits for business.
P stands for personal. Every day when you wake up and comes to do work what is that one personal feeling that brings you to work. For me its doing business, being in business market. I love to do business with data and get profits for organization I work. I feel excited when i see direct contribution of mine impact organization growth. It is important to know your personal touch with the job you are doing.